Spring Term Topic

Heroes & Villains

This term our topic is ‘Heroes & Villains’. It has a Knowledge and Understanding of the World focus and we will kick off this week with our ‘Open Your Eyes’ week which will focus on what makes us ‘Super’, learning about their Super Senses and healthy bodies. The children will be looking at ‘Goodies & Baddies’ in fiction and after the half term break, we will shift the focus to our real-life heroes in the Community and how they help us and other people.

Throughout, the children will be encouraged to think creatively, applying their previous knowledge and experience, and suggesting areas which they would like to find out more about. It would help the children greatly if you encourage them by supporting them to research some of these areas. For example, visits to the library, supervised use of the Internet and watching films and programmes on television together. If you have any relevant resources at home, please feel free to send them in with your child for us to look at.
To enhance the children’s learning of the topic, we will be planning a trip each half term and we will send details out as soon as we have them. We will be learning about the emergency services and people who help us day to day. We’d also love to hear from you if you think you may have a special skill, interest or occupation that may be of interest. It is always lovely to have visitors with certain expertise come into the classroom.
We will be beginning our new ‘Design to Smile’ initiative.


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