Homework 9th November 2017 2

It’s that time of year where the Christmas plays are upon us and we are so excited to be doing Peter Pan.  Mrs Jones has shared all the parts now with the characters.  Can these be practised at home please? These are on J2launch in shared files.  Mrs Jones has also given out the information for costumes should you wish to supply them.

Pupils also need to learn the song words.  These are also in their shared files in a folder called Peter Pan.

Below I have attached a file showing our spelling pattern that we covered this week.  Pupils also have new times tables targets for ongoing practise along with high frequency words (HFW) which have been stuck in the back of their homework books.  Please let me (Mrs Poiner) know if you feel your child knows the High Frequency words on their list as I have the next ones ready.  I will be testing them in school as well to monitor this.

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