Year 3 Homework 9/6/17

We are learning about Healthy Living this term.

You have designed a healthy living diary in class with the things you felt were important for a healthy life. Can you fill in the diary for 5 days at home and bring back to school so we can have a look at the results? It may be a good idea to choose at least one day over the weekend to record as your lifestyle on the weekend may be different to a school day.

Don’t forget to work out the number of cups of water your water bottle holds so you can keep a record of how much water you drink in a day. We will use this data for the pictogram you have drawn in class.

All of you have new spelling words from Miss Kaminaris, use your homework book to work on these spellings before she challenges you again. Use the spelling strategy sheet in the back of your book.  It is important you also put the words into sentences so you actually spell them correctly in your writing.

Class trip is likely to be on June 27th to Oxwich, with a contribution roughly around £8. Letters will go out when all the details are confirmed.

Thank you – Mrs Williams

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