Maths Homework

We explored fractional quantities last term and have also revised them in class. Your task is to complete the fractional quantity sheet in your books. Please do not write on the sheets, but copy them into your books neatly.

To find fractional quantities of a number:


4/5 of 20.

1) First ask yourself, ‘How many fifths? 5. So how many 5s are in 20?’ What does this mean? Well it means, divide the number by 5.

1/5 = 20 ÷ 5  = 4

But I need 4 of them! So that would be 4+4+4+4= 16 (or 4 x 4=16)

So 4/5 of 20 is 16.

Please ask if you are worried about anything!

Mrs R


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